Form 4 Paperwork

Commonly referred to as a Form 4, this is the primary transfer and registration application for a silencer. Completing the required form correctly is not easy, but we’re here to help.

Below we’ve outlined some tips to help answer all of your questions.

—You will need to fill out and submit two original Form 4s to the BATFE
—Be sure to use black or blue ink
—Much of the Form 4 will be completed by your dealer
—You will need to submit one photocopy of this form to your CLEO
—You will need to submit a $200 transfer tax per NFA with the form 4.
—You will need your fingerprints and passport style photo added to the Form 4 for each responsible party.



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1. For all silencer transfers, the tax is $200. This is the checkbox that should be marked.

 silencer transfers

2a. Transferee refers to you, the buyer. Make sure your name and address is completed and mark the checkbox for “Individual.”

 name and address

3. Transferor refers to your dealer. They will include their business name; their phone number is required, but their email address is optional.

 phone number

7901 Boulevard 26 #200
North Richland Hills, TX 76180
4b. The “firearm” in this case refers to all NFA Title II weapons, the legal classification for a silencer.
4e. Skip; a silencer does not have a barrel.

4f. Use inches as a unit of measurement.
4g. Each silencer is legally required to have a unique serial number. It can be easily found on the body of the silencer.
4h. You may leave this blank.

 unit of measurement

5. This section should be completed if you, the buyer, are also an FFL. Otherwise, leave blank.

6. This section should only be completed if you, the buyer, is transferring through a legal entity, such as a business. On this page, we are assuming you are purchasing as an Individual, so this should be left blank.


7. Your dealer should complete this section using their FFL information.

8. Your dealer should complete this section using their business information.

 FFL information

9. Your dealer will sign and date in blue or black ink.


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 sign and date

12. You will complete this section using your local Chief Law Enforcement Officer (CLEO) information.

A CLEO is an officer of the law with authority over your county of residence’s jurisdiction who is notified of your intent to own and has the authority to present ineligibilities to the BATFE. Since this authority is not exclusive, multiple people may qualify as your CLEO. We recommend that you speak with your dealer for an eligible local contact to help you narrow their search.

 your CLEO

13. This section requires a statement from you, the buyer, about why you wish to possess an NFA Title II weapon. It is best for you to state “all lawful purposes.” There is no need to provide further details.

  further details

14. You, the buyer, must answer all these questions honestly; be advised that answering “Yes” to any question may deem them ineligible for ownership.

15. You, the buyer, will need to affix an original passport photo here using glue or tape. The BATFE will not accept a stapled or paperclipped photo. Passport photos can be obtained through several convenient channels, including centers and pharmacies. We recommend that you ask your dealer for a referral.

  ask your dealer for a referral

16. You, the buyer, must answer all these questions honestly; be advised that answering “Yes” to any question may deem them ineligible for ownership.

 answer all these questions

17. This section should be completed only if you, the buyer, are an alien.`

 last section

CERTIFICATION You, the buyer, will sign and date the bottom of the Transferee Certification, second page of the Form 4, in blue or black ink.

Page 3

 page 3 FFL

18. Since this page assumes you, the buyer, are purchasing as an Individual, this should be left blank.

 leacve blank

19. Since this page assumes you, the buyer, are purchasing as an Individual, this should be left blank.

 should be left blank

20. Payment may be credit or debit card, cash, or money order, but we highly recommend checks because when it clears, you will know your forms are being reviewed.

You, the buyer, should complete the appropriate forms based on your preferred method of payment. The Tax Amount field should match the checkbox in Section 1 for $200. A signature and date are only required if paying by credit or debit card.


Special Order Items