CMC Triggers

CMC Triggers

CMC Triggers

CMC Triggers Corp is a manufacturer of single-stage and two-stage triggers, barrels, and other parts for Glock and AR-15. These triggers are also known as a “Drop-In” trigger group.
CMC Triggers is devoted to producing the best products for Law enforcement , Military, and Civilian use.
Easy-to-use triggers are designed to be simple to install without any screws to adjust,and special equipment.
Hardest, durable, premium quality materials are applied to make triggers and other products of CMC Triggers as good as possible.
CMC creates products for AR-15 shooters who place the highest demands on quality, reliability, will be pleased with the CMC product line of triggers, and other gun parts.
CMC Triggers own multi-patented designs that match grade trigger pull is an extremely simple upgrade.

CMC Triggers
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