The story of Galco International began in 1969 when its founder Richard N. Gallagher opened a leather retail shop in Chicago, Illinois. He manufactured a variety of items, from sandals and jackets to wallets and handbags. Holters were within his product range as well, but, at this time, they weren’t focal. Until one day.
Richard was a shooter himself, so he knew how to make practical handgun holsters. Police officers quickly caught sight of his shop and began buying holsters for their service guns. Once, he was visited by one of his cop customers and his daughter and heard a story about how his holster saved a man’s life. Richard was so impressed that he decided to place focus on holsters.
He made several models and was stunned by the response. Thus, a small shop grew into a company called Jackass Leather, and then, in 1980, the company was renamed Galco.
Galco holsters gained worldwide popularity due to its Jackass shoulder system that appeared in many episodes of Miami Vice, a TV series popular in the 80s. You still can find a lot of contemporary movies with Galco products in them.
Today, Galco serves civilian handgun owners and supplies its products to law enforcement departments around the world.
Besides manufacturing its signature Miami Classic shoulder system, Galco’s shoulder holster range contains various designs, including Galco chest holsters for revolvers. This type allows for a concealed carry of your handgun under your coat or jacket and ensures a quick, non-encumbered draw in an emergency. If you often hunt or fish in bear lands, consider buying a Galco shoulder system for your self-defense revolver.
Need a holster for your backup handgun? Galco carries several solutions for semi-automatic pistols and revolvers that will meet your needs.
Galco designs and manufactures a whole world of different IWB holsters to supply the concealed-carry community. Galco leather holsters provide next-to-skin comfort, durability, and security.
Galco holster belts are stylish, robust, and durable. The designs vary from minimalistic casual models to multifunctional cartridge belts for hunters.
Gritr Sports is an authorized distributor of Galco products. Need a holster for concealed carry? Shop for Galco Glock 43, Glock 19, and other handgun holsters on our site.