Firearm Maintenance
- In StockBirchwood Casey Tru-Oil Maintenance Kit Stock Finish Clam Pack 238013 oz. TRU-OIL Gun Stock Finish3 oz. Walnut Stain3 oz. Stock Sheen & ConditionerFine, Medium and Coarse Papers00 Steel Wool PadsService and Polish ClothsComplete Instruction Guide The perfect ...$25.33
- In StockHOPPE'S 1-2-3 Done! 40 Caliber 10Mm Pistol Cleaning Kit (110040)Contains everything you need to clean a firearm in three simple stepsHigh-viscosity lubricating oil refined to perfection so it won't gum actionLegendary No. 9 penetrates quickly and ...$26.71★★★★★1 review(s)
- In StockHOPPE'S 500-Pack .22 and .270 Caliber Gun Cleaning Patches (1202S)Uniformly woven patchesUltra-absorbentPre-cut caliber and gaugesFor .22 to .270 Caliber500 Per Pack$14.40★★★★★1 review(s)
- In StockPROMAG AR15 Upper & Lower Receiver Magazine Well Vise Block Set (PM123A)3 pcs set of heavy duty blocks securely clamp all flat top and carry handle AR-15/M16 upper and lower receiver componentsTo prevent damage or movement during repair, assembly and ...$45.11★★★★★1 review(s)
- In StockREMINGTON Rem Oil Liquid 1oz Bottle (26617)Cleans dirt and grime from exposed metal surfacesDisplaces non-visible moisture from metal poresProtects internal and external metal parts from rust and corrosionExclusive formula provides thin ...$13.77★★★★★3 review(s)
- In StockWILSON COMBAT Silicone Gray Cleaning Cloth (267)Soft cotton flannel polishing cloths are impregnated with siliconeCompletely removes rust- producing fingerprints and is ideal for use on the range after gun handlingThe cloths are gray and ...$16.30★★★★★1 review(s)
- In StockREMINGTON Rem-Oil Patch 6x8in Wipes Cleaner 12 Pack (18411)Cleans dirt and grime from exposed metal surfacesDisplaces non-visible moisture from metal poresProtects internal and external metal parts from rust and corrosionExclusive formula provides thin ...$18.79★★★★★1 review(s)
- In StockBIRCHWOOD CASEY Gun Scrubber 15oz Aerosol Firearm Cleaner (33348-SINGLE)Gun Scrubber Cleaner cleans and evaporates fastWith an occasional blast, Gun Scrubber eliminates firearm jams while improving accuracy and reliabilityExcellent for automatics, bolts, lever and ...$21.62
- In StockBORESNAKE BoreSnake .30/.30-06/.308 Rifle Bore Cleaner (24015)The world's quickest, three-step bore systemExtremely packablePatented one-piece designMachine Washable Read a professional review in our blog$11.95
- In StockHOPPE'S 25-Pack 12 and 16 Gauge Gun Cleaning Patches (1205)Uniformly woven patchesUltra-absorbentPre-cut caliber and gaugesFor 16/12 Gauge25 Per Pack$12.38
- In StockHOPPES BoreSnake .40/.41 Caliber Pistol Bore Cleaner (24003)The world's quickest, three-step bore systemExtremely packableFor pistol .40 & .41 caliberBrass weight on the pull cord is stamped with the sizeMachine washablePatented one-piece design ...$11.95
- In StockTRADITIONS Accelerator Breech Plug Wrench (A1444)For use with the Vortek, Pursuit, Buckstalker, PA Pellet Flintlock Accelerator Series, and any Traditions muzzleloader that has the Accelerator Breech Plug$20.78
- In StockOTIS .38 Cal/9mm/.357 Cal Rifle/Pistol Ripcord Bore Cleaner (FG-RC-338)Cleans: .38 Cal /9mm/.357 Cal10 inches of aggressive cleaning surfaceCaliber specific molded rubberized core for 360 degree cleaningHeat resistant up to 700 degrees FNomex fibers act as both a ...$13.59
- In StockOTIS .45 Cal Rifle/Pistol Ripcord Bore Cleaner (FG-RC-345)Cleans: .45 Cal10 inches of aggressive cleaning surfaceCaliber specific molded rubberized core for 360 degree cleaningHeat resistant up to 700 degrees FNomex fibers act as both a brush to loosen ...$13.59
- In StockWHEELER AR Front Sight Tool (156437)Install and adjust standard Mil-Spec A2 front sights on AR-15, M16, and M4Can be used with any 1/4 hex driverKey ring for storage serves as a handle alsoBlack zinc plated steel The WHEELER AR ...$18.85
- In StockWILLIAMS Front Sight Pusher (1953)Aluminum body constructionWorks with any 3/8" dovetail rampNot for use with dovetails cut through barrelsWill not work on handgun slidesBlack Finish In the past, there was only one acceptable way ...$57.99★★★★★1 review(s)
- In StockBERETTA Shotgun 12Ga Cleaning Kit (CK401A23020009UNI)For shotgun 12 gaugePCV coated steel rod 3 pieces1 wool brush1 helical steel brush1 nylon brush1 bottle of "Factory Official CLP Gun Oil" The Beretta Shotgun 12Ga Cleaning Kit range to the usera ...$27.99
- In StockBERETTA Shotgun 12Ga Cleaning Rope (CK940A500009)For shotgun 12 gaugeThe bronze acts as a Brillo pad to remove any residueThe nylon distributes the lubricating oilThe felt ensures no moisture remains The Shotgun 12Ga Pull-Through Cleaning Rope, ...20% off$11.99$15.00
- In StockBROWNING 10/12/16/20Ga Dual Flat Choke Tube Wrench (1130050)Fits essentially all Browning flush-fitting choke tubesHandy wrench to keep in your shooting bag or on a keychainNot recommended for use with extended choke tubes$19.45
- In StockHORNADY Case Prep Duo (050180)Cordless, rechargeable multifunction toolAccommodates case neck brushes, primer pocket cleaners, and chamfer/deburr accessoriesEasy to swivel body and integrated rubber feetCan be used in the ...24% offClearance$52.99$69.99★★★★★1 review(s)
If you have ever wondered what is the first step in cleaning a firearm, we got an answer for you. It is getting the tools to do so. Some would argue that you need to get a firearm first, but that is a mere formality. We do want to thank you for asking yourself this question because we on Gritr Sports are strong advocates for the firearm maintenance movement. Nothing hurts us as seeing a once illustrious piece of firearm forging work slowly degrading into an empty shell of its former self. Just as our body is a temple that needs to be taken care of, the body of your firearm is a, well, smaller temple that cannot look after itself. Your gun is an investment regardless of its price and it deserves to be treated accordingly. Sometimes, it is nothing more than joy and shot game that is at stake. But if you entrust your firearm with your very life (which is the case with concealed carry handguns), you’d better not skip that maintenance day. Clean guns save lives. And look great.
For everyone who’s either already acquainted with the beautiful world of gun cleaning and repairing or only making their first faltering steps in it, Gritr Sports presents our Firearm Maintenance section. Here you can find all the necessary tools to keep your firearm clean and sound. No longer do you need to wonder how to clean a gun with nothing more but a very honest intention to do so. We have tools that will help you to keep every part of your gun shining brighter than an infant's forehead. Should a misfortune ever come your way and inflict harm on your precious firearm, we have a group of instant reactions that can patch it up: all sorts of gunsmithing tools and repairing kits.
The Gritr Sports team understands that you only want the best tools for your firearm, as we share that desire ourselves. To bring you only top-notch quality items, we cooperate with the industry’s leading experts on firearm maintenance. You can choose from products of such well-known and reliable brands as Birchwood Casey, Fix It Sticks, Hoppes, Otis, Pro-Shot Products, and some other trustworthy manufacturers.